Dip-Tech, the world’s leading provider of digital ceramic in-glass printing solutions, has set a new world record for printer size with the Dip-Tech AR18000 digital ceramic in-glass printer. The achievement was officially recognized by Guinness World Records under the category of “largest digital flatbed printer”. Dip-Tech CEO Yariv Matzliach announced the record today at the Glasstec 2014 show in Dusseldorf, Germany.
The printer stands at an impressive 18m (59 ft) in length, more than double the length of Dip-Tech’s next-longest printer. It can print a single pane of glass with a total area of up to 64m2 (688.89ft2). Uv Rotary Flatbed Printer

The only two Dip-Tech AR18000 printers manufactured so far are owned and operated by sedak GmbH & Co. KG of Germany and Tianjin Northglass Industrial Co., Ltd in China. The printers were commissioned for special architectural projects that will feature digitally printed large-format glass panels.
Matzliach, standing with Mr. Bernhard Veh, Managing Director of sedak and Mr. Gao Qi, CEO of Tianjin Northglass at the official announcement event at the Dip-Tech booth at Glasstec, said: “It is a great honor for Dip-Tech to join the elite group of achievers named as Guinness World Record title holders. We share our celebration with sedak and Tianjin Northglass, the pioneering first users of these record-breaking printers.”
He continued: “At Dip-Tech, we continue opening new frontiers that change the way glass fabricators work and create new possibilities for the world of design. Achieving this Guinness World Record is an exciting step as we move forward in creating the never-before possible”.
For more information and a video on this latest achievement in glass, visit the World Glass Innovations website.
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