
Elevated bike lanes are being constructed along Ingersoll as part of the neighborhood's streetscape project.

Why it matters: The lanes are meant to protect cyclists from traffic and keep them from getting hit by car doors. Children Motorcycle

How Ingersoll's protected bike lanes work in Des Moines - Axios Des Moines

Yes, but: There's some confusion on how they work with vehicles pulling in and out of business parking lots.

How it works: The easiest thing for pedestrians to remember when they see the red-brick bike lane is that red means "don't go," Bobby Kennedy of the Street Collective tells Axios.

As for drivers, they must yield to cyclists in the bike lanes just like any pedestrian on a sidewalk.

What they're saying: Drivers are in a hurry and may want to quickly pull up but "you might miss someone coming up on you," Kennedy says.

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How Ingersoll's protected bike lanes work in Des Moines - Axios Des Moines

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