COPRUS CHRISTI, Tx — On Wednesday, Jan 22, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) told us that they replaced a broken bulb on a lamp post on Interstate 37 off the Calicoatte onramp exit. Residents were concerned about the dangers the broken lamp post could have.
We checked the lamp early in the morning on Jan 23, but the lamp was still not working. TxDOT said they fixed a lamp post, thinking it was the right one, but without an exact and specific location, they fixed a different one that was broken nearby. Fixing that lamp post improved the street lighting but did not solve the problem. Front Lawn Light Post

Copper Landscape Lights TxDOT told us that in order to fix the broken lamp in the series of four they have to close lanes. It will address the broken lamp after spring break once traffic dies down.