Lucien Jalu presents his exhibition “The iron art of cycling”, from July 19 to September 6, at the Saint-Michel chapel and at his home, in the same district of Saint-Avé.The Aven artist, in love with the little queen, has been stripping old bicycles for several years to transform them into works of art.Frames, wheels, derailleurs, seatposts, stems, spokes, handlebars, brakes and other parts find new life."I try to give them a new youth, a soul" explains the nurse converted into a retired artist.
Thus, 500 chains of bicycles come together to give life to a very beautiful mysterious lady, around thirty recycled bicycles become the foliage of the "tree-cycle", a metal tree almost five meters high and three meters wide. with a trunk essentially composed of freewheels.A palm tree made entirely out of an inner tube or the weeping Covid, a new species from the "chain" family, have also taken root in the artist's park, 100 meters from the chapel. 6013 Welding Rod 1/8

A good sixty figurative and abstract sculptures, made only with parts of second-hand bicycles, will be presented in the chapel.

Welding Electrodes Welding Rods “During confinement, I had a lot of time to create, explains the artist who had previously collected many bicycle parts from cycle stores and his cycling friends.I was very busy!".