
If you notice that your ice maker is producing funny-looking or strange-tasting ice, or your machine has a suspicious scaly buildup on its interior, it’s time to give it a deep clean. From dust and dirt to pesky hard water mineral buildup, over time, ice machines can become extremely grimy, just like any other hard-working appliance in your home. Deep cleaning your ice maker may not be at the top of your weekly cleaning list, but cleaning its components every six months or so can not only improve the quality of your ice but also ensure the longevity of your machine. Here’s how to clean your ice maker from the inside out in just a few simple steps.

Watch the video above to learn how to clean your ice maker. Flake ice machine

How to clean an ice maker machine in just a few easy steps
How to clean an ice maker machine in just a few easy steps

Industrial Control Valves If you don’t feel comfortable using a commercial descaling solution to dissolve the mineral buildup that forms in your ice maker, you can make a more natural solution at home. Since commercial descaling solutions use acid to dissolve mineral buildup, you can use an acidic substance like distilled white vinegar to achieve the same result, though it may take longer to thoroughly descale your ice maker compared to a commercial solution. You can also dilute the solution by mixing a 10:1 ratio of water to white vinegar and adding lemon juice to keep the solution acidic and eliminate odors.